The best way to make a spiritual home at Tidal Creek is to serve.
Whether it’s in the cafe, greeting and ushering, teaching in Creek Kids, helping on missions projects, leading a LifeGroup, or more, we encourage all who attend Tidal Creek Fellowship to put their smile and serving spirit to work. Visit our Next Steps area in the lobby or send us a message for more information. Click below to let us know where you’re interested in serving, and we’ll reach out with next steps.
We are committed to honoring the command “Go and make disciples.” Below are some of the mission opportunities available:
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Young Life
Walk for Water with Water Mission
Annual Mission Trip to Sucre, Bolivia to work with two partner orphanages - Shalom & Esparanza
Casa del Mentor after school program in Sucre, Bolivia
Operation Christmas Child
Low Country Hope House
Backpack Buddies - School partnership to provide food on weekends for local elementary students in need
Regional Mission Trips
Disaster Relief Projects
Partnerships with the South Carolina Baptist Convention and Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of South Carolina
Disciple Making
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” - Matthew 28:19
Our mission is to make disciples who make more disciples. This happens through sharing your faith and investing your life in someone else. LifeGroups, Ignite, Creek Kids, and ministry teams offer a variety of opportunities to do just that. Contact us for more info, or stop by our Next Steps area in the lobby.