Our Discovery classes are a great way for you to get connected at Tidal Creek!
All classes are held at the church in the Annex (the small building to the side of our main building) at 4PM on Sunday. We offer Discover Tidal Creek and Discover Membership each month and Discover Baptism about once a quarter (or as needed).
These classes can be taken in any order, but we recommend starting with Discover Tidal Creek!
We ask that you please register for our classes in advance using the button below or by following this link.
Childcare is available upon request (indicate on your registration form).
Childcare is available upon request when you register (indicate on your registration form).
What does each class cover?
New to Tidal Creek or just want to know more about us? Meet church leaders, learn about our history, mission, vision, service opportunities, ways to get connected, and more. Come discover your place at Tidal Creek Fellowship!
Church membership is a commitment to a family of Christian brothers and sisters that says, “I’m with you.” Come learn more about what we believe as a church so that you can say, “I’m with you!”
Are you interested in being baptized? Whether you are ready to take that step of faith or still have questions about what it means to publicly commit your life to Christ, this class will guide you through this exciting, life-changing decision.