“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer… And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” – Acts 2:42, 47
We were created to grow best in relationship with God and others. At Tidal Creek, we do that in LifeGroups.
Inspired by the New Testament church, LifeGroups are the basic building block of our church life and disciple-making. Joining a LifeGroup is a great way to connect with others in our church family and to grow spiritually at Tidal Creek Fellowship.
Our LifeGroups meet together regularly all over Beaufort for Bible study, spiritual growth, prayer, support, service, friendship, and fun.
We aim to have groups for everyone, at all walks of life:
Young Families
High School Students
Young Adults
Singles and Couples of All Ages
There’s a place for YOU in a LifeGroup at Tidal Creek Fellowship!
Our LifeGroup Kickoff is coming up on August 25 after both services (find our more here). Can’t make it on the 25th? You can join a LifeGroup at ANY time!
To see our available groups, click on the “Join A Group” button below.
And if you have a question about LifeGroups, you can send us a message by clicking on the “Contact Us” button.